Afya’s Investor Day 2022

General Direction, Set design, Content, and Live Broadcast

For the second consecutive year, SuperUber created and directed Afya Day. The overall concept for 2022 aimed to underline the complex and dynamic character of Afya. The set design’s inspiration came from origami, and influenced the aesthetics of the animations and the storytelling of the presentation. The content combined video graphics mapped onto the shape of the set design with relevant information and data from Afya. The technology project also made possible the remote presence of guests, who, in real time, appeared on the screen to answer questions with the Afya executive team. 

SuperUber idealized the set design, created the content controlled by the presenters (Afya’s executives) and the videography, made the general direction of the final product, including the audiovisual capture, in partnership with the director Gustavo Gama, and the Live transmission, in partnership with the company Abracadabraz.