Scenario for “Que história é essa, Porchat?” TV Show
Set design with remote participation
With the second season of the TV talk show “Que História É Essa Porchat?” interrupted in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, SuperUber brought back the show with a re-designed TV set for remote participation of guests and audiences.
SuperUber created the project in partnership with GNT and the producers of Porta dos Fundos.
The new set design builds upon the previous arena concept with Fábio Porchat interviewing three celebrities with audience members in the background. The new format consists of three curved projection screens showing 42 circular live audience video conference streams and the three guest’s streams mapped onto disks in the centers. The host sits in the center of the screens arc, immersing him in the content and making interactions more natural.
Only a small technical team following the security and social distancing protocol of TV Globo is needed to operate the show.